2024-2026 TERM
It is OICWA Officer election time!The Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare Association is accepting nominations for Board Member Officers for the upcoming election to be held on August 23rd, 2024, during the Quarterly Business Meeting in Durant, Oklahoma. All officer positions will be on the ballot for election. Requisite eligibility to be an officer of the Association is accorded any member in good standing, meeting the eligibility of membership as defined by the OICWA By-Laws, which promotes the welfare of Native American children and the goals of the Association. The term of office for each officer shall be two years from the time of election in August to each even numbered year. Nominations are due by August 9th, 2024.
Duties and responsibilities of the Officers:
President: Responsible for organizing and presiding at all meetings of the Association and for the coordination of all activities of the Association. Serves as principal spokesperson for the Association within the scope of established policy or other direction thereof. Submits reports of activities as President to the Association in accordance with established policy or other direction thereof. Performs other functions as may be specified elsewhere within the Bylaws or in accordance with established policy or other direction of the Association. The current president shall be the acting agent under the Articles of Incorporation. Following a new president assuming office, appropriate paperwork will be filed to change the registered agent under the Association’s Articles of Incorporation to the current president prior to the next quarterly meeting.
Vice President: Responsible for assuming the duties and responsibilities of the President when the President is not available to perform the functions of that office. Assist the President with the duties and responsibilities of the President’s office. Submits reports of activities as Vice Presidents to the Association in accordance with established policy or other direction thereof. Performs other functions as may be specified elsewhere within the Bylaws or in accordance with the established policy or other direction of the Association. Serves as the Chair of the Public Relations Committee as stated within the Bylaws.
Secretary: Responsible for the recording of official minutes for all meetings of the Association in general assembly and their subsequent presentation for approval. Responsible for notifying the Association of all quarterly, special and committee meetings. Responsible for the maintenance and security of all official records of the Association. Submits reports of activities as Secretary to the Association in accordance with established policy or other direction thereof. Performs other functions as may be specified elsewhere within the Bylaws or in accordance with established policy or other direction of the Association.
Treasurer: Responsible for the receipt and accounting of all funds of the Association and their disposition in accordance with fiscal policies of the Association. Responsible for audits and submissions of financial reports to the Association. Submits reports of activities as Treasurer of the Association in accordance with established policy or other direction thereof. Performs other functions as may be specified elsewhere within the Bylaws or in accordance with established policy or other direction of the Association. Ensures copies of financial statements are available to all voting members as requested.
Member at Large: Responsible for carrying out tasks assigned by Officers of the Board.
OICWA Officer Nomination Deadline for submission: August 9th, 2024
OICWA Officer Elections will be held at the OICWA August Quarterly Business Meeting held at the Choctaw Casino Resort and Hotel on August 23, 2024.
The information requested will be used in making nominations for elected positions and is essential for the careful consideration of a nominee. Please complete and be specific in your responses. State the reasons for the nomination as detailed as possible providing qualifications, leadership experience, character description and skills that would make this nominee the best person for this office. Nominees will be contacted for resumes. For self-nominations, please provide a resume with this application.