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The OICWA Conference Committee is preparing for the OICWA Membership Drive and Silent Auction fundraiser held during the annual conference. This fundraising event is very important to the Association. It is the one and only fundraiser each year. Our organization relies on the generosity of donors through sponsorships and gift in-kind donations to raise funds through the silent auction and membership drive, which will feature games and activities for conference attendees.


We are asking if you or your organization would make a donation for items to be used in a raffle or silent auction. Your donation can be in any form of the following items:


  • Physical merchandise or gift certificates for products and/or services

     (Example: Stay Away vacation, Pendleton blanket, Native American jewelry,

     TV, concert tickets, sports event tickets, Yeti cooler, beadwork, art, trip)

  • Monetary donations

  • Tribal or Corporate Sponsorships


As in the past, the success of the silent auction and membership drive exclusively depends on contributions from generous donors.  A donation form is available to fill out and return along with your donation. Upon receipt of your gift, we will send a thank you letter to serve as a receipt for tax purposes. OICWA is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.


Thank you for considering an opportunity to become a donor for the “14th Annual Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare Conference”. Your generous gift will assist OICWA in fulfilling its mission to promote the well-being of American Indian children, their families, and their tribes. If you have any questions regarding sponsorship/donation opportunities, please contact:


Te’Ata Loper

PHONE: (405) 464-5655



Your gift is truly appreciated!

OICWA  P.O. Box 1274 • Shawnee, OK 74802


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