Membership Information
Becoming a member of the Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare Association (OICWA) offers numerous benefits and opportunities. By joining, you will have access to programs and services that help to protect and promote the well-being of Native American children and families. You will also be able to network and collaborate with fellow tribal members and organizations, as well as participate in important decision-making processes, both at the committee and full membership levels. This is a great way to invest in the future of Oklahoma's Native American communities and ensure that their most precious asset—their children—are able to reach their full potential.
OICWA offers three membership options: Indian Tribal Membership, Individual Indian Membership, and Associate Member. Listen to our member testimonials and apply to become a member below!
Member Testimonials
Member Testimonials

Member Testimonial

Member Testimonial
payment options
OICWA accepts payment by check or purchase order as well as online payments through PayPal. To proceed with electronic payment please fill out the online application. To pay by check or purchase order please download and complete the Membership Application here
If you have any questions or concerns about becoming a member or renewing your membership contact Te'Ata Loper oicwa.gc@gmail.com. Checks should be mailed to OICWA P.O. Box 1274 • Shawnee, OK 74802
Tribal Child Welfare Programs of Federally recognized tribes located within the state of Oklahoma. (This membership has full voting rights for only one designated delegate of each Indian Tribe).
Any person, no less than eighteen (18) years of age who is a Member of and is so recognized by an Indian Tribe or Alaskan Native group as verified by the organization. Individual Indian Members are comprised to form the OICWA Individual Indian Membership Group. (The Individual Indian Membership members, in attendance, have full voting rights in committee and non-legislative decisions. In annual, quarterly and special meetings, Individual Indian Membership members, in attendance, are granted voting privileges with the majority vote counting as one tribal vote).
Associate Member
Any organization or any person who is no less than eighteen (18) years of age, not other-wise eligible for membership and whose participation is compatible with the purpose and interest of the Association. (This membership has limited voting rights restrict-ed to subordinate bodies of the Association. It may be further restricted by the Association for particular subordinate bodies. Within the limitations, exercise of voting privilege shall occur in the same manner specified for Indian Group Membership/Individual Indian Member-ship).
Guidelines for membership are in accordance with Article IV of the OICWA Bylaws. Membership is for one year (Oct 1—Sept 30). Fees are not prorated. OICWA reserves the right to deny an application.